Maserati Vs. Ferrari

Las Vegas Luxury: Maserati Or Ferrari?

If you’ve ever envisioned prowling the Strip in splendor, look no further than the luxurious, swanky collection offered for rent at Dream Exotics in Las Vegas, NV. Choose between the lithely muscled and sporty Ferrari collection or something distinguished like a Maserati. These luxury vehicles demand the respect of both onlookers and discerning drivers alike.

Don’t let magazines and internet “car guys” make up your mind for you. Discover the world of car extravagance by coming out and taking them both for a spin to decide which dream car is the right one for you.

Ferrari – From The Stables of Style

Enzo Ferrari never intended for his cars to be typical streetcars. He wanted these finely tuned machines to be seen as the ultimate vehicle for gentlemen. They are designed to make the heart race, and the adrenaline surge.

Since the creation of the first Ferrari, these cars have been ever-present in the world of racing, especially Formula One. To this day, these sportscars are a symbol of wealth, luxury, and speed. Even the most discriminating consumer is sure to fall in love with our Ferraris.

At Dream Exotics, there’s no shortage of options for your cruise around the Vegas Valley.

Maserati – Neptune’s Carriage

In 1926 the Maserati brothers discontinued their line of race cars, which subsequently lead to the production of luxury vehicles branded with the sleek trident logo. They decided that this would be appropriate for the company since Neptune represents strength and vigor, an idea that is evident in its car designs and the power held within.

Much like its Ferrari cousin, this company is also borne in Italy and boasts a long history of successful race cars in its pedigree. Maseratis are exotic cars that exude both class and style. Even someone who knows little about cars will be in awe of these powerful machines.

Dream Exotics has just the ride for you to check out.

Find Your Perfect Match

So which car is better, Maserati or Ferrari? We can give you all the specs, and we can rattle off all the numbers. There’s no way to decide which one of these lush vehicles is going to feel right under your control until you spend some quality time behind the wheel.

The comparison between these two luxury brands is similar to the difference between diamonds and gold. With our exotic car rental service, you can experience that feeling of freedom, that purr of the engine that speaks to your soul, or which car’s handling feels like it was born to belong to you.

Decide on a winner for yourself by taking control of one of these breathtaking supercars.

Maserati & Ferrari Rental In Las Vegas

Ready to let the cars do all the talking? Dream Exotics offers you only the most envy-inducing luxury car rentals, like Maserati and Ferrari. Contact us today to reserve one of the hottest cars in all of Las Vegas and find your perfect fit in the ride of your life.